How “Permanent” Is Laser Hair Removal?

When it comes to hair removal, there are dozens of options to choose from that can make finding the best method for you hard to find.

Many hair removal methods claim to provide permanent results, but fail to follow through on that promise, which is why so many people turn to laser hair removal. The most common concerns among those considering laser hair removal treatments are ‘Is it going to hurt?’ and “Is it permanent?” because why go through the pain if it’s not even going to last? Since hair growth cycles are hard to track and are influenced by different factors, results about permanence can vary. Here are some of those factors:

Area Being Treated

You’ve probably already noticed that the hair on your legs grows differently from the hair under your arms, which grows differently from hair around your pubic area. This is because the body produces two different kinds of hair: rough, coarse hair that is usually found in the pubic region and on men’s faces or soft, thin hair that can be found on the arms or lower back. The reason this can affect the permanence of your laser hair removal might not be the reason you’d think.

Often referred to as peach fuzz, the lighter hairs actually cause the most problems as it is difficult for lasers to recognize them. Lasers used for laser hair removal target the pigment of each hair follicle, making darker hairs much easier to spot and destroy. So if you’re having laser hair removal treatments done to your pubic area, which is almost completely made up of dark, coarse hair, then all or most of the hair will be affected by the laser. This might not be the case if a woman’s chin hairs are being treated, because even if there are a significant amount of coarse hairs, they likely don’t hold the same dark pigment that pubic hairs do. In this situation, there’s a possibility of not being able to permanently remove all hair, but  you should be able to lessen it.

Hair Growth Cycle

When it comes to hair removal, a person’s hair growth cycle will ultimately determine the number of treatments needed, as well as their permanence. While the hair growth cycle is basic and occurs in three stages, each individual hair is at a different place in the cycle. It’s for this reason that laser hair removal requires multiple treatments. The first of the three stages is the anagen stage, which is the only stage where hair is visible as well as the only time laser hair removal can be effective. It’s during this stage that your body hair is actively growing, and new hair follicles are forming. The next stage is the catagen stage, when hair growth drastically slows down and hair falls out as follicles die, which most people only notice when they have long hair. In the final stage, called the telogen phase, the hair follicle has reached its growth potential and will die off.

Allowing time between laser sessions gives your body a chance for new hairs to form in the anagen stage, making them ideal targets for hair removal lasers. It sounds simple, but the hair growth cycle not only differs from follicle to follicle, but also differs on varying parts of the body. Cycles generally last anywhere between six and twelve weeks, but your treatment will ideally be narrowed down to meet your specific needs. Even after your treatments however, new hair follicles can form, causing hair to grow back in treated areas. Still, they are likely to be sparse and light in color.

Skin Color

Regardless of how dark your body hair is, the less contrast there is between your skin color and the hair, the more difficult it will be to achieve full and complete hair removal. Typically, the ideal candidate for laser hair removal is someone with light or fair skin and dark body hair. As the hair and skin pigment become closer in color, you’ll have a harder time seeing the results.

Book a free laser hair removal consultation to learn more about the procedure. For a more visual explanation on how your hair pigment and skin color will affect your laser hair removal results, check out this video. It not only goes into the science behind laser hair removal, but you can actually watch someone as they undergo the procedure.

How You Can Tell Your Laser Treatments Are Working

It may take a few sessions before you notice a difference in the area being treated, and one thing that you may experience is shedding. Usually occurring a week or two after a laser treatment, the hair might appear to be growing, but is actually being shed from the skin, as these are the hair follicles that were ultimately destroyed. However, the most obvious sign that your laser treatments are working is, of course, less hair growth. This won’t be apparent after just one or two sessions though, so patience is key.

Even if you’re beginning to think your skin is too dark or your hair is too light for your treatments to be successful, it’s best to get a consultation. Technology is advancing all the time, and there are specific lasers designed for those with less contrasting skin. Even thinning the hair in some areas can be worth every penny, as you’ll save a significant amount of time and money on other hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, and especially those messy depilatories.

If you’re ready to take the plunge into laser hair removal, there’s no better time to start your treatments. Even if you still aren’t sure if you’re a candidate or not, you can schedule a free consultation with us at Body Details True Laser Hair and Tattoo Removal Clinic now. With several locations in South Florida, we are the only treatment center that provides clients with a free lifetime guarantee, keeping our customers’ hair free and satisfied for life. You’ll never have to worry about whether or not your results will be permanent! All of our convenient locations are staffed by licensed medical professionals who are ready to create your personalized treatment schedule today. To make an appointment, visit our laser wellness centers or call 866-708-8645 now.