Top 5 Facts About Laser Facial Hair Removal

As one of the most frequently sought after laser treatments, laser facial hair removal can help get rid of your unwanted hair on the upper lip, chin, sideburns, around the eyebrows, and neck.

While it’s more common for women to seek permanent removal of facial hair, men benefit from the treatment as well, especially those who suffer from thick, unruly hair that causes ingrown hairs. If you’re looking into getting laser facial hair removal done, here are a few facts that you should know.

Several Treatments Are Required

While you will see results after just one laser treatment, it will require several to complete the process. This is because our body hair goes through growth cycles, and each hair in the area being treated is always at a different point in that cycle. So to treat every facial hair and guarantee permanent removal, you’ll need to have multiple treatments done, each at a minimum of 8 weeks apart. Those 8 weeks will give the hair enough time to reach an appropriate place in the growth cycle for lasers to target them.

Laser Treatments Are Fast

Depending on the size of the area being treated, your laser hair removal treatment can be extremely quick. Most areas of the face are small and will require under 5 minutes of treatment. This makes scheduling your laser appointments quite easy, as it can take place on your way to work, on your lunch break, or during a quick stop between your weekend errands. Most people require between 5 and 10 treatments depending on hair color, thickness, and how it reacts to the lasers. At 8 to 10 weeks apart, it will take several months to fully complete your hair removal, but it’s best to have a consultation with a licensed medical laser technician to receive a more accurate timeline specific to your hair type.

Results Are Permanent

As long as your laser treatments are done within the given time frame, your results will be permanent. Missing a treatment will cause your hair to go through the growth cycle uninterrupted. This means it can’t be treated again until the next cycle, or it can be missed altogether. Laser hair removal works by emitting wavelengths of heat that target the pigment found in each hair root. This ultimately destroys the hair follicle without damaging the skin’s surface, leaving your skin looking smooth and flawless. If you experience hair growth in the treated area after you’ve completed all of your treatments on time, the laser clinic you’ve chosen should provide you with additional treatment at no additional cost. Ask them about this before purchasing any treatments or package plans.

You’ll Save Money In The Long Run

Whether shaving or waxing is currently your main method of removing unwanted hair, you’ll save money in the long run with laser hair removal. There’s a higher cost up front, but disposable razors and waxing appointments actually add up to quite a bit of money over the months. On average, those who use disposable razors will spend roughly $200 per year on the razors and shaving cream. This is a conservative number, and you should expect to be paying much more annually if you use name-brand razors with disposable blades, as they tend to be more expensive. Those who wax actually spend a lot more, an average of $780 a year. Over time this will add up to thousands of dollars, which can be saved by investing in laser hair removal instead.

Treatments Are Safe

Laser hair removal is perfectly safe for all hair and skin types. Technology today has enabled professionals to create lasers that do not have negative effects on the skin or cause any hyperpigmentation. Each individual receives a customized treatment plan to prevent skin irritation and reduce the likeliness of side effects. Some people experience redness and swelling around the treated area, but will fade in just a few days.

If you’re ready never to shave or wax your facial hair again, then schedule a consultation for laser hair removal at a highly regarded laser clinic near you today. A licensed medical laser technician will be able to examine the hair and skin on your face and provide you with the best possible treatment plan. Learn more about the process when you read our laser hair removal faqs. Check out this video of Power 96’s Ya Chica Ivy having her treatment done at Body Details to see how laser facial hair removal works: