Thank you for being a valued Body Details client. We look forward to continuing to serve our patients. If your appointment was cancelled as a result of forced closures due to the Coronavirus, a member of our team will be reaching out to you to reschedule your appointment. Please bear with us as we work to reach out to our many clients who were affected by Covid19. We politely ask that you wait for a team member to reach out to you so that we do not overwhelm our staff as they navigate our reopening.
We are dedicated to providing all of our patients with the highest standard of care and wish to address any concerns that you may have. Body Details has implemented strict sanitation policies and is adhering to social distancing recommendations of public health officials. We operate with your health top-of-mind, now and always.
As a true medical facility, staffed by licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), Body Details is taking strict measures to ensure that our patients and staff members remain protected during this time.
If a patient arrives without a mask/face covering, they will be asked to reschedule their appointment, unless they have a respiratory issue that prevents them from being able to wear a mask. Clients who have a previously undisclosed respiratory issue will be asked to update their health history form prior to receiving treatment.
They must notify their supervisor, remain quarantined at home, and visit https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/treatment/ for further instructions.
We will kindly request that they leave the Center and reschedule their appointment after a 14-day quarantine period or negative coronavirus test.
During the appointment confirmation process to ensure they are not sick, were not exposed to someone who is, and have not been potentially exposed (such as by prolonged exposure to anybody confirmed to have Covid-19).
One patient will be permitted in a treatment room & one patient will be permitted in the lobby area.
Staff and patients included.
To ensure maximum safety and proper social distancing, we kindly ask that patients wait in the hall or in their vehicles if there is already a patient in the waiting room upon arrival. A team member will call your cell phone when you may enter the waiting room to maintain appropriate social distancing.
With the exception of True Laser Specialists during patient treatment.
Treatment bed, laser, countertops, etc. after treating each patient.
For disinfectant from bacteria and viruses.
Treatment beds are sanitized with anti-bacterial and anti-viral wipes.
Regardless of areas treated.
In Aquaphor, sunscreen, or aloe containers.
Are safely disposed of following each patient.
Are sanitized periodically using anti-bacterial and anti-viral wipes throughout the day and also nightly.
Body Details takes the safety and well-being of both our team members and patients extraordinarily seriously and we thank you in advance for your strict adherence to these safety guidelines.
You started your skin-loving journey at Body Details, and we are committed to helping you achieve your goals. You won’t give up on your skin and neither will we. We continue to be hopeful regarding the health of our local communities and are closely monitoring the evolving situation.
For more information and updates on COVID-19 please visit CDC.gov