Privacy Policy

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    Website Privacy and Cookies Policy, and Terms of Use

    This website,, is operated on behalf of or by Body Details LLLP, by affiliated entities whose name begins with “Body Details…”, and by entities who service BD’s marketing (including this website) and social media – all hereafter together referred to as “BD”. This website may create cookies on your computer. This website may also collect information about you, your computer, your computer’s IP address, your computer’s hardware, and your computer’s operating system and software. This Website Privacy and Cookies Policy (“Policy”) explains BD’s policy about your privacy, which includes BD’s use of cookies, and also includes BD’s collection, storage, use and sharing of the information collected about you and your computer. You consent to BD’s policy merely by using BD’s website (with the only exception being if the General Data Collection Regulation – G.D.P.R. – applies to you). In general your use of this website consents to BD’s policies described below so, if you do not consent, then do not use this website.
    A Note to Children and Parents The website is intended exclusively for use by adults (meaning persons presently over the age of 18 years), even if an adult wants to purchase BD’s services for a child (meaning a person under the age of 18 years). No child should ever take any steps to induce BD into directly communicating with that child, not even if that child is merely asking how to open up communications between BD and the child’s parent. The word “parent” means any of the following whose rights have not been surrendered or legally suspended/removed: a natural parent, a step-parent, foster-parent or other person (ie. a guardian) who is court-authorized to act as parent, or an adoptive parent. In fact, no child should even do anything to induce BD to communicate with the child’s parent, because only the parent himself or herself can extend that invitation to BD. BD does not knowingly collect Personal Information directly from, or ever communicate directly with, any child. The ONLY exception is immediately before, during and after the medical treatment process when, out of medical necessity the health care provider quickly needs certain information that is relevant to that particular treatment. Outside of that one exception, if BD discovers that it has collected Personal Information directly from a child, that data will be deleted, and if BD discovers that it has communicated directly with a child, those communications will terminate immediately and without further notice. Purpose of this Website and this Privacy Policy This website cannot be used in a manner that is contrary to its stated purpose. BD is not affiliated with or endorsed by a medical society, but this website’s purpose is as a medical resource. It provides information merely as a first, incomplete step, rather than as the only, final step. It aids the user in starting to decide whether to schedule a consultation to get more updated and complete information needed for a fully informed decision about purchasing BD’s services. This website’s general information is NOT a substitute for an actual, personalized meeting with a health care provider. This website does not provide medical advice, and cannot be relied upon for such purposes, and the website’s presentation of general information does not establish any physician-patient relationship. Content posted on this website may become outdated over time because of regular but sudden advances in medical research/technology/procedures, because those advances can cause medical professionals to shift their opinions on the issues addressed in this website, because BD changes how it operates based on medical professionals’ shifting opinions, and because it takes time for BD to review medical advances and to roll out an updated website. A written agreement is quicker and easier to update, so BD’s Contract for Laser Services must be viewed as the last, most-recent word on any subject, policy or practice. For these reasons, BD disclaims any warranty about the website having updated, reliable or accurate information. If, to get more updated and complete information, you want to schedule a consultation, meet with one of BD’s health care providers, review BD’s written contract, and learn about sales promotions, this website lets you request contact from BD. This Policy is not how you consent to BD’s policy about your privacy – which includes BD’s use of cookies, and also includes BD’s collection, storage, use and sharing of the information collected about you and your computer – since your consent is implied (unless the General Data Collection Regulation – G.D.P.R. – applies to you) by your use of the website, even if you elect not to read this Policy. This Policy merely enables you to get informed before having your affirmative conduct imply consent. This Policy is NOT part of your agreement with BD to purchase services. Unlike your consent to the Policy, your agreement to purchase BD’s services cannot be implied. In fact, it cannot even be verbal. Instead, any agreement to purchase BD’s services can ONLY come in the form of a signed, written Contract for Laser Services (“Contract”). Under the law, the nature of BD’s limited conditional guarantee of lifetime treatments requires that the Contract be in writing. Even for services that exclude a lifetime guarantee, a condition to hiring BD is that you agree that any and all understandings must be in writing. If you want certain understandings to be communicated verbally, you must have the Contract specifically identify those as an exception to the rule requiring written understandings. Not only is the Policy not part of your agreement to purchase BD’s services, but neither is this website part of your agreement to purchase BD’s services. This website is merely a general introduction, and is not intended to give all information needed to decide whether to purchase BD’s services. Any issue discussed by this website will be discussed in much more detail by the Contract, and some issues are ONLY discussed by the Contract. If there is any conflict between the Contract and this website, that does NOT create an ambiguity, because the Contract always controls and supersedes. Regardless of what you are allegedly told or what you read on this potentially (for the reasons explained above) outdated website, there is no substitute for reading the Contract, which has important language, such as the number of treatments and the interval between treatments. This Policy is NOT part of your consent to be contacted by BD. Generally speaking, that consent cannot be implied. If you want BD to contact you, BD prefers that you digitally sign the request for contact – which is located elsewhere in the website.
    The following information explains BD’s privacy policy and practices. However, it is not a contractual promise, and BD reserves the right to amend it at any time without notice. Those amendments will be effective immediately upon publication on this website. You should review this Policy periodically to be aware of the actual, current policies regarding BD’s use of cookies, and also regarding BD’s collection, storage, use and sharing of the information collected about you and your computer. Your continued access or use of the website will be deemed to be your conclusive acceptance of the Policy in effect at that time of use. BD’s privacy obligations are governed by Florida law and U.S. federal laws. Cookies: This website may create cookies on your computer. Cookies are small files with a modest amount of data stored on your computer that are specific to you and BD’s website. Cookies allow BD’s website to remember your devise and how you interacted with the website, which is useful for a number of reasons. By remembering you, the website can be tailored to your particular interests, and even your preferred volume setting, and otherwise tailors the website to you to improve functionality. More is explained below, under “Google Analytics”. What Information Does BD Collect: When you access BD’s website, certain client information and essential and nonessential technical information (collectively called “access information”) listed below is automatically collected. No other information is collected through BD’s website except when you deliberately send it – for example, by clicking a link to either send an e-mail or to request contact (collectively called “optional information”). Access Information (automatically collected): Client information: Internet domain and IP address of the computer you are using. Essential technical information: identification of the page or service you are requesting, your computer’s browser type and operating system; and the date and time of access. Nonessential technical information: the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to BD’s website, and the cookies used to direct and tailor information based on your entry path to BD’s website. Optional information (deliberately sent) E-mail: your name, e-mail address, and the content of your e-mail. Online forms like a request for contact: all the data you choose to fill in. This includes information submitted when requesting a consultation, like your name, phone number, and details about your consultation request. Unless it is on behalf of a minor over whom you are a parent (as defined above), please do not request a consultation for another person by submitting their name, phone number, and details about the consultation request. That information will be collected but, if BD realizes that it was not submitted by that other person, the information will not be used. How BD Uses Information and Cookies: Generally: BD generally does not track individual website-visitor profiles. BD does, however, analyze aggregate traffic/access information for resource management and site planning purposes. BD reserves the right to use log detail to investigate resource management or security concerns. Your information is never sold, and if it is used for marketing purposes, it is only used for marketing BD’s services, and only used by BD or its agents. Google Analytics: BD uses a tool called “Google Analytics” to collect information about your use of this website. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit this website, what pages they visit here, and what other websites they used before coming here. BD uses Google Analytics only to improve this website. BD does not combine the information collected through Google Analytics with personally identifiable information, but Google Analytics does plant a permanent cookie on your computer’s web browser to identify you for the next time you visit this website. These cookies may be used by BD’s marketing agents in order to assist with BD’s own marketing efforts. Use of Access Information: Client information is used to route the requested Web page to your computer for viewing. In theory, the requested Web page and the routing information could be seen by other entities involved in transmitting the requested page to you. BD does not control the privacy practices of others. BD may keep client information from its systems indefinitely after a Web page is transmitted, but BD does not cross-reference it to individual website-visitors. However, if a “hacker” tries to breach computer security, logs of access information are retained to permit a security investigation. In such cases the logs may be further analyzed or forwarded together with any other relevant information in BD’s possession to law enforcement agencies. Essential and nonessential technical information lets BD respond to your request in an appropriate format [or in a personalized manner] and helps BD plan website improvements. To expedite this process, BD’s website uses “cookies.” Usually a cookie enables BD’s website to tailor what you see according to the way you entered the site. BD also uses non-identifying and aggregate information to better design its website. For example, BD may determine that X number of individuals visited a certain Web page, or that Y number of men and Z number of women filled out a particular online form. But BD does not disclose information that could identify those specific individuals. Use of Optional Information: Optional information enables BD to provide services or information tailored more specifically to your needs, and to plan website improvements. BD uses the information you provide when submitting a request for contact only to satisfy your request. BD does not share this information with outside parties. BD generally uses return e-mail addresses only to answer the e-mail received. Such addresses are generally not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties. BD never uses or shares the personally identifiable information provided online in ways unrelated to the purpose described without a clear notice and without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.
    There is no legal requirement for you to provide any information at BD’s website. However, BD’s website will not work without routing information and the essential technical information. Failure of your browser to provide nonessential technical information will not prevent your use of BD’s website but may prevent certain features from working. For any optional information that the website requests, failure to provide it will mean that the particular feature associated with that part of the Web page may not be available to you. BD’s Commitment To Data Security: BD is dedicated to preventing unauthorized data access, maintaining data accuracy, and ensuring the appropriate use of information. BD strives to put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to secure the information collected online. These security practices are consistent with State and Federal law. How To Contact Us: Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please contact us. If you wish to review or change information gathered about you via BD’s website but do not know how, please make your request in the same manner. Governing Law and Venue: This Policy and your use of this website will be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, USA. Any litigation regarding either shall only and exclusively be brought in State or federal court in Broward County, Florida. Any cause of action that you may have with respect to this website must be commenced within one (1) year after the cause of action arose, or else that cause of action is time-barred.
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    What questions to ask and
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