Laser Tattoo Removal

Will There Be a Scar After My Tattoo Removal Treatment?

This is the most often-asked question by clients who come to our clinic with thoughts of removing an unwanted tattoo.… Read More

10 years ago

Laser Tattoo Removal: It’s the Perfect Holiday Gift

While you're shopping around for everyone on your list this holiday season, consider the gift of freedom from an unsightly… Read More

9 years ago

New Technology for Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal isn't what it used to be. When the procedure first became popular, removal methods were far more… Read More

9 years ago

PicoWay Delivers Fastest Laser Tattoo Removal

Whatever reason you have for wanting to get rid of your tattoo, just know that you're not alone. Whether you're… Read More

9 years ago

Surprising Facts About Laser Tattoo Removal

"Are you sure you're going to like that tattoo when you're 80?" If you have a tattoo, someone has probably… Read More

9 years ago

Is a Tattoo of Your Ex’s Name Getting in the Way of Dating?

We’ve all done things we regret, especially during those rebellious years. Luckily, most of our poor decisions are left in… Read More

9 years ago